Slash! The Water Circus (Review)

The newly, innovative water circus from Russia touches bases with South Africans this month and next! Silverstar will host this phenomenal show that bring excitement and jaw dropping stunts (I swear I almost had a heart attack at the end)

Okay so I must be honest, I was a little disappointed to hear that held the cast were not able to make it in time because they had problems with their visas. However, the organisers did their best to still put on a show. Some of South Africa’s best acts were given the opportunity to show themselves off on this world renowned stage. I would prefer to stay on the positive side of things, because I had the best time, it was a fun afternoon out and it was a great show, considering the trials and tribulations that had to be dealt with.

The second half was what I expect the whole should have been like, with a large pool of water and water fall vibe above gave spectacular features and made way for one of the best things I have ever seen in my life. Now this is a strong statement s I have seen many phenomenal things in my short life on this earth. BUT THAT!!!! Gosh!

I have never seen such stunts being performed before! There was one heck of a stunt with an enlarged swing and long material that caught the stunt men. That was followed by the South African performers etc. The second half the water came out and the show turned into a magical spectacle! The end though!!!! That was life threatening stunts being performed which captivated the audience like nothing I have ever seen before. There were times I was questioning if the stunt men were going to make it out alive.

I’ve attached some pictures and a video to get your taste buds infused with adventure 

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