Slimatone Designed for Women

Slimatone Designed for Women is a lifestyle brand . They have products in their range that cater for every women 's needs . From Meal Replacements (the Breakfast Shake )  to very advanced natural  products such as Stracura , that is proven to go to work immediately and effectively , 1 hour after ingestion .  They have created these tools to make a women's life easier, we all know how busy we can get during the day, so they have now created this brand that is specifically designed for women that helps them in getting healthier and stronger.

I was recently given some of the Breakfast Shake to try and test, and I must say it is one of the best I have ever tried. All too often you buy a shake with the intention to become healthier or to try and be a better eater or get the vitamins you body is missing, but they taste horrible and make you feel worse than before. But with this, I am feeling more energetic, healthier and ready to make a healthier lifestyle change. I give this brand the biggest thumbs up possible because it really is a great idea, if great for wellness and creates a much needed positive change. 

 Alexandra, the owner and creator, created this brand last year. She started Slimatone because there are no other brands that cater for women only in South Africa, she wanted to create a full range for every women’s needs. Their product range includes but is not limited to, tablets for sleeping, stress, weight loss, protein and breakfast just to name a few. They have created a one stop shop to living a healthier life for women. Women can get everything they need from this one shop, instead of shopping around trying to find the best products suited for them.

Some of their products include:

The serenity  stack, for people who suffer from sleep deprivation and stress , Secura is a supplement, that can be taken and adjusted accordingly according to your needs, its natural products that will get you through the day, that just keeps you calmer and able to function with the added stress levels our bodies too often added onto us.. Snooze, is the second range that helps with natural sleep, that doesn’t leave you with that “hangover feeling”, is non addictive, all natural products. All of the products are made specifically with natural ingredients to keep one healthier for longer without having the chemicals that come in so many other brands. This is A healthier alternative to chemically based products that do similar things

Their Breakfast shake was created to eliminate day to day worries. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Alex encourages women not to skip it, as when you do, women find themselves aggravated, moody, grumpy all those negative emotions, you have to have something when you wake up. Many women aren’t always comfortable or feel the need to eat breakfast as they are always on the go, they grab a cup of coffee or tea and leave to start their day. Now they have the shake for on the go. The level of the quality for the breakfast shack is very high.. The shake is a food blend of multi-vitamins, as well as added fibre and many healthier products that are not commonly found in meal replacements. Women need the extra vitamins and fiber that is isn’t always readily available for on the go. The fibre is needed to keep you regular and not get stomach cramps etc.

Slimatone has many more exciting products and events coming your way including a recipe book designed especially for South Africans and the ever busy lifestyle. These recipes are coming straight from the creators themselves along with their ambassadors who are developing their own meals to put into the book. Catering to the SA market is of huge importance.

Slimatone is a wellness brand who is original and has created something unique in the products. They are also not going to expect you to just buy the products and off you go; they are interested in customizing your diet, helping you to achieve your wanted goals.

We are running a competition with The Vibe ZA and Slimatone. We are giving away a Breakfast Shake Hamper. All you have to do to enter is like and follow all of us on social media and tell us why you want to win this amazing prize. Follow the link to enter. 

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